14 April 2015 • By • 1 min read
Although most Australians are not engaged with their superannuation, an overwhelming majority do not regret having their money locked up, a new survey ...
READ MOREHidden after-tax costs are the biggest single burden for superannuation funds, yet trustees are reluctant to acknowledge the issue, says Parametric
READ MOREA new committee chaired by prominent public servant Michael Keating has been tasked with investigating the adequacy and sustainability of the ...
READ MOREThe "clunky" internal processes of super funds are preventing trustees from optimising investment performance for their members, argues Simcorp
READ MOREGenerous tax concessions for Australia’s highest income earners are undermining popular support for the nation's retirement system, argues the ...
READ MOREProposed changes to the way financial planners who sell retail life insurance are remunerated could allow super funds to draw more members into group ...
READ MOREASFA has floated the idea of a measure of the superannuation industry's efficiency in its response to the final report of the Financial System Inquiry ...
READ MOREThe government's tax discussion paper has underlined the disproportionate benefits enjoyed by higher-income earners when it comes to superannuation ...
READ MOREThe way superannuation funds approach currency hedging is somewhat arbitrary and could well be adding tail risk to their portfolios, according to risk ...
READ MOREEnvironmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria are an increasingly significant factor for institutional investors considering alternative ...