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By Victoria Young
2 minute read

Podcasts, SMS text alerts, blog and viral marketing must be used in the workplace to attract and engage generation Y, according to an employee communications expert.

In a decade, baby boomers will be outnumbered by 19 to one - so Australian firms should create more responsive and productive workplaces for generation Y now, according to Aon Australia communications practice leader Ingrid Selene.
"To date, workplace communication has been designed around baby boomers. It uses baby boomer language and had a print bias, whereas generation Y is the multi-media, instant messaging, 24-hour communication generation," Selene said.
"The new technology creates new alternatives from employee communication - such as podcasts to reach different segments of the workforce, SMS text alerts, messages from the chief executive through a blog and viral marketing techniques to distribute communications internally."
Content, style of message, frequency, length, level of honesty and directness are other aspects of communication that are as important as the use of technology, according to Selene.
Aon suggests businesses can become generation Y friendly by developing generation Y acclimatisation coaching classes for baby boomer managers, increasing training and educational opportunities, having flexible working options and using fast-track schemes and mentoring programmes.