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CBA corporate fund hires chief

By Victoria Papandrea
1 minute read

CBA's corporate super fund OSF appoints Doug Carmichael as its new chief executive.

The Commonwealth Bank's corporate superannuation fund, Officers' Super Fund (OSF), has appointed Doug Carmichael as its new chief executive.

Carmichael, who starts with OSF today, joins the fund with strong financial services and superannuation management background having held roles at TD Bank, Citigroup and AAS. 

His recruitment completes the fund's new senior hires, following the appointment of Gerard Parlevliet as the fund's chief investment officer last month.

OSF represents more than 60,000 current and former employees and their families of the Commonwealth Bank.

It is one of the largest corporate funds in Australia and has performed strongly in recent years with top quartile investment returns compared to other funds.