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Haramis resurfaces at McMillan Shakespeare

By Julia Newbould
2 minute read

Former RetireInvest chief George Haramis will start a new job today, heading sales and marketing for listed salary packaging company McMillan Shakespeare.

Former RetireInvest chief George Haramis will start a new job today, heading sales and marketing for listed salary packaging company McMillan Shakespeare.

"It's a new role and it provides a good opportunity for me and the company," Haramis said. "They are starting to move slowing into financial services and with my experience it will be beneficial to me and the business to focus on driving sales more.

"McMillan Shakespeare is a business that has achieved great results in its traditional markets of salary packaging, fleet management and vehicle finance. It's now strengthening its position by launching unique and smart services such as FudeCard and MiniRent offerings to employees."

McMillan Shakespeare chief executive Anthony Podesta said the company was looking to push more heavily into the private sector. Podesta said the company would also be looking towards other products and services possibly including financial planning.

"We recently introduced mortgage broking and insurance broking services. You could argue that this is part of the financial planning sector. We will see the company expand to offer more. The company has an Australian Financial Services Licence and may well equip our employers more in the future."

The Melbourne-based company was established in 1988, listed in 2004 and is the largest salary packaging company in Australia and now provides a range of remuneration services to both public and private sector clients.